HI-FI - tradução para francês
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HI-FI - tradução para francês

Hi-fi; High-fidelity; Hi-Fi; Hifi; HiFi; HIFI; High fidelity audio; High-fidelity audio; Hi fidelity; Hi fi; High-Fidelity speakers; Hi Fi; EN 61305; DIN 45500; Midi (Hi-Fi system); Midi HiFi; Midi hifi
  • Samsung]] and [[Harman Kardon]]
  • speakers]] are a key component of quality audio reproduction
  • A Sony "midi" hifi from the late 1980s. Despite its appearance mimicking separate components, this is an all-in-one unit featuring a record player, dual cassette decks, a digital tuner and an amplifier. Other midi systems integrating a CD player were also increasingly common by this point.

hi-fi, high fidelity
n. audiophile, lover of hi-fi sound reproduction


A hi-fi is a set of equipment on which you play CDs and tapes, and which produces stereo sound of very good quality.


High fidelity

High fidelity (often shortened to Hi-Fi or HiFi) is the high-quality reproduction of sound. It is popular with audiophiles and home audio enthusiasts. Ideally, high-fidelity equipment has inaudible noise and distortion, and a flat (neutral, uncolored) frequency response within the human hearing range.

High fidelity contrasts with the lower-quality “lo-fi” sound produced by inexpensive audio equipment, AM radio, or the inferior quality of sound reproduction that can be heard in recordings made until the late 1940s.

Exemplos de pronúncia para HI-FI
1. Hi-Fi.
Art and Science of Sound Recording _ Alan Parsons & Julian Colbeck _ Talks at Google
2. stuff I do is not hi-fi.
Audio Quality in Streaming Media _ Andrew Scheps _ Talks at Google
3. that if you were a Hi-Fi nut that you
Art and Science of Sound Recording _ Alan Parsons & Julian Colbeck _ Talks at Google
4. It's not the most hi-fi thing in the world,
Audio Quality in Streaming Media _ Andrew Scheps _ Talks at Google
5. Here's one that is not a hi-fi recording.
Audio Quality in Streaming Media _ Andrew Scheps _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para HI-FI
1. Informatique, hi–fi et télécoms arrivent en tęte.
2. Les articles de récupération, postes de télévision, chaînes hi–fi, micro–ondes, bureaux d‘enfants, ont disparu.
3. Parmi les différents projets d‘Illusonic, l‘un concerne les chaînes hi–fi.
4. La mise en réseau d‘autres appareils, telles une console de jeux ou une chaîne hi–fi, semble simple.
5. Donnée pour agonisante il y a dix ans, la hi–fi a résisté ŕ la vague du home cinéma.